Florian Arndt - Infotainment Speaker

#Entrepreneur #Director #AI Pope (according press)

Managing Director of the advertising agency

Sons of Motion Pictures GmbH

“A visually exciting, humorous and interactive keynote makes the audience remember the content 50% more than a classic lecture!” 

Source: Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University

Keynote Request
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Florian Arndt, or as he is called by the press, the 'AI Pope', enriches stage and business events with his humor as a professional keynote speaker. He unconventionally shares his experience from over 15 years of entrepreneurship and more than 500 keynotes as CEO of his 45-person film agency. He himself has tested more than 2,000 AIs and shoots films for SMEs, DAX and Hollywood studios and has already advised the Chancellery on the subject of AI. His target group is always executives from organization, marketing, HR, sales, communication & management. With his honest and, above all, visually powerful keynotes, he inspires the masses with laughter and learning, in the spirit of INFOTAINMENT. According to Startup Creator, he is one of the top 3 AI keynote speakers in Germany!

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Best practice from the AI Pope (Press)

Duration: 15-120 min (60 min. bestseller) | Target group: Everyone who works on the computer! Organization, marketing, HR, sales, management, executives, all knowledge jobs & media professionals

  • AIs for everyday use: More efficiency and increased quality through the right application
  •  AIs you can touch: A humorous look at the infinite possibilities of technologies
  • AIs of the future: mind games of tomorrow

The IDC estimates that the number of AI applications will rise to 60 billion by 2025, and new ones are being added every day. An edible outline made of cake provides delightful insights into named AIs from the fields of image, audio, text and video. The Senator for Economics h.c. Florian Arndt, better known in the press as the “AI Pope”, has tested over 2,000 AIs himself and knows what he is talking about.

With concrete practical examples from the (as the press only calls him) AI Pope, there is a humorous look at the technology and its consequences. Florian Arndt, director and managing director of the 45-strong film agency Sons of Motion Pictures, will talk in his keynote speech about how AI can be used as a partner in content production to achieve organizational, marketing, HR, sales, communication and management goals and sustainably increase the success of companies. Fasten your seatbelts and join us in the spirit of infotainment, laughter and learning into the future.

According to Startup Creator, he is one of the top 3 AI keynote speakers in Germany!

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MACHN+spiegel+ - MACHN+spiegel+2023
Best practice from the AI Pope (Press)

Duration: 90-180 min (60 min. bestseller) | Target group: Everyone who works on the computer! Organization, marketing, HR, sales, management, executives, all knowledge jobs & media professionals

The IDC estimates that the number of AI applications will rise to 60 billion by 2025, and it is already impossible to imagine any industry without AI. But how can you keep track of the numerous AI tools? The Senator for Economics h.c. Florian Arndt, better known in the press as the “AI Pope”, offers the best 30 AI applications for organization, marketing, recruiting, sales and communication. Adapted to your company, he will train your team with his AI keynote.

His company, Sons of Motion Pictures, already works with 70 AIs every day. Let him humorously explain to you and your employees how to make all departments more productive and flexible.

According to Startup Creator, he is one of the top 3 best AI keynote speakers in Germany!

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Florian Arndt Machn - Florian_Arndt_Machn2024
Gen. Y & Z unpacks

Duration: 30-240 min. | Target group: Executive staff, management, HR department.

  • Why gender doesn't matter! How to use the right approach in the right place
  • Why empathy counts: Building bridges between all generations is crucial!
  • Why appreciation can be so simple! Quarterly parties against the shortage of skilled workers

The team leadership keynote of a different kind with fire and live crowning. Because only those who can navigate themselves can show others the right way. This keynote reveals useful practical tips for communicating appreciatively, confidently guiding employees and appearing charismatic as a manager. Managing Director & Director Florian Arndt will share amusing insights from his 45-strong moving image agency on how to lead a demanding team of 30-year-olds profitably and the mindset behind it. Also available as a 2-hour workshop for further training.

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Workshop request
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From a film gang to a film agency with 45 employees

Duration: 15-45 min | Target group: self-employed, doers, management, executives, students, start-ups, motivational seekers

“No, I'm not the intern!” Leipzig's most successful young entrepreneur in 2018 had to repeat this sentence almost as often as the “Action!” on the film set. When Florian Arndt shot his first film at the age of 11, nobody could have guessed what would follow. At just 31 years old, his company Sons of Motion Pictures has already won 60 film awards. Today, “the Sons” produce for SMEs, DAX & Hollywood. His story tells of personal #Focus, #MaximumPerformance and #EntrepreneurialSpirit in its purest form. In the best infotainment, there is motivation, self-irony and learning for everyone.

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Marketing Club Sparkasse KI 2024 05 15 060 Foto Andreas Lander - Marketing-Club_Sparkasse-KI_2024-05-15_060_Foto_Andreas_Lander
Modern moving image strategies

Duration: 30-60 min. | Target group: Marketing, HR, communication, sales, management, executives

More than 1.6 billion people use it, including one in four Germans, and the number is growing every day: TikTok. 51% of users are between 30 and 50 years old - not just for young people. You can find your target group by age, gender, postcode, language and interest, and it's currently cheaper than anywhere else: 0.07 cents per applicant. But what do successful TikTok campaigns look like and how do I get 50 applications for software development, for example? Director & Managing Director Florian Arndt humorously presents real-life business cases. We also take a look at the other 20 platforms on which you can place recruiting films. Spoiler: The evergreens YouTube and LinkedIn are still going strong, and in some cases even the good old analogue cinema is still useful.

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Everybody is a brand

Duration: 30-60 min. | Target group: Executives, marketing and communication departments, management, doers, start-ups, self-employed.

There are people who leave a lasting, positive impression in our lives and then there are people.... ah forgotten again. Companies design strategies and positioning for their brand. But what do the company representatives do, who represent them to the outside world? People buy from people. Not only people in individual companies depend on representing a strong brand in everyday life. Everyone sells themselves and their concerns always and everywhere, even in their private lives. Why some can do this better than others and why it is not as subjective as we think, we investigate and discover the USP Persona and burning business cards.

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Zukunftstag+Mittelstand Florian+Arndt - Zukunftstag+Mittelstand-Florian+Arndt
It's so easy to be creative!

Duration: 15-45 min | Target group: doers, executives, management, marketing & HR | Also possible as a workshop.

98% of children are inventive and only 2% of adults are. Creative techniques, practical tips and the right attitude can help us all to use our full innovative potential again. Film director Florian Arndt presents in a vivid and entertaining way ways in which you can give new impetus to their inventiveness and creative power.

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Individual for your audience

Duration: As you like  | Target group: Yours

Fire, cake or confetti, what would you like? Let's talk about it and build a strong keynote for your business event together.

Keynote request

Keynote Speaker Artificial Intelligence | Florian Arndt

Florian Arndt - Top 3 Keynote Speaker for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Germany, Film, Marketing, Recruiting, Entrepreneurship & Leadership

Florian Arndt here, but the press just calls me the AI Pope. In real life, I'm a director & managing director and my daily business is film magic, marketing tricks, recruiting units, business insights and the art of team leadership. “The ultimate disaster movie” - the title for my first short film at the age of 11 couldn't have been more fitting. This was followed by the premiere of my embarrassing 90-minute feature film in front of 200 viewers and a further 300 amateur films up until my 18th birthday, when I accidentally won 25 film awards worldwide and the rating “particularly valuable” with my documentary debut “Test Driver”.

Named “Germany's best up-and-coming director 2012” by the German Youth Video Award, I founded the film agency Sons of Motion Pictures GmbH in Leipzig, later with a second office in Coburg, to coincide with Valentine's Day 2014.

My film family now has 45 permanent employees on 700 m² with 60 film awards. The SONS shoot commercials, documentaries, series and animated films worldwide for well-known clients such as Warner Bros, Microsoft, Daimler, Rotkäppchen-Mumm, RB Leipzig, Lufthansa, Telekom, BMW and Schloss Einstein (KIKA).

Born in 1992 and with a high school diploma and seahorse, “Der Mittelstand” (BVMW) appointed me as the youngest Senator h.c. of Germany. Today I share exactly this unconventionally gathered experience as a professional infotainment speaker for 15 years with over 500 keynotes. For example, I advised the Chancellery on the topic of AI. He can also be heard on our 500,000-subscriber podcast “Feuer & Flamme Mindset” with many well-known personalities. According to Startup Creator, he is one of the top 3 AI keynote speakers in Germany.

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A few opinions
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Warner Bros. Int. Television Germany
Björn Tanneberger (Director)
- AI Training & Keynote -
Florian simply knows how to tell good stories. He demonstrates this impressively, not least in his AI presentation. Surprisingly entertaining, creatively staged and with a lot of built-in virality, his talk resonates. Every listener takes away the feeling that new worlds are opening up.
martin gaedt - martin-gaedt
Provotainment GmbH  Martin Gaedt
(Keynote Speaker & Author)
- AI. Tiktok & more Keynotes -
Florian Arndt is a highlight for every event. The best entertainment with fascinating content and movie examples. I listened to his AI lecture three times last year and it was always impressive.
nicht benannt - nicht-benannt-3
Karls Erdbeerhof
Robert Dahl (CEO)
- AI Keynote -
If you need an easily accessible crash course on the possible applications of AI in your company, Florian is the right person for you! His spectacular keynotes combine solid knowledge and practical experience with the best entertainment
maria sharichin - maria-sharichin
Leipzig HR Fair
Maria Sharichin (CEO)
- AI, TikTok, Recruiting Keynotes -
As a conference organizer, you need speakers who are passionate about their topic and can convey it in an entertaining yet profound way. Florian Arndt is one such speaker. Whether on AI, creativity or team development, his presentations are always based on practical experience and provide the audience with extensive knowledge for their everyday work. Florian guarantees the best entertainment while at the same time gaining knowledge. Entertaining knowledge transfer with tailor-made special effects and lots of fun - a clear recommendation!
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A&O Hostels 
Phillip Winter (CMO)
- AI Training -
Simply wow! What an impressive presentation on the topic of AI! I wouldn't have thought how multifaceted the topic is for all departments in our company! A clear recommendation - everyone should know Florian's AI Insights. Definitely the presentation with the most takeaways I've heard in a long time.
anja haessler - anja-haessler
Anja Häßler (CEO)
- Managementtrainerin -
Anyone who has had the opportunity to experience Florian Arndt live will not only have felt his passion for the topic of AI, but also his inspiring, humorous and engaging manner. It is a real experience every time, not only to gain insights into his findings from the world of AI, but also to stand on stage alongside him as a valued colleague. Thank you so much, dear Florian, for the wonderful collaboration and the unforgettable moments with you. Your enthusiasm and commitment are infectious.

This is my story: From behind the scenes to the stage

I'm known as the man with 45 employees, 55 film awards and 100 bow ties. And that's how I became that man:

A film producer in his infancy

At the tender age of 11, I laid the foundation with my cinematic debut "The Ultimate Disaster Film" and from then on it was all upwards - shaky camera and shaky knees or not.
Between improvised stages and my first tentative steps in the film world, I spun a network of art and culture professionals - a network that developed into a creative team over time.

Time for the big stage

My documentary debut, The Test Driver, which won 25 awards, marked the end of my time as an experimental youth and ushered in the transition to the world of big business. I proudly wear the title of winner of the German Youth Video Award "Germany's Best Young Director 2012". Instead of deciding to study, I then consciously took the plunge into the real world of film - without water wings, but with a large portion of seahorse courage.

From passion to vocation

Valentine's Day in 2014 had a very special meaning for me - because I used this day to finally give my passion a permanent place as a vocation. Sons Of Motion Pictures GmbH was born, with offices in Leipzig and Coburg. With tireless dedication, we have produced commercials, documentaries and animated films, also for renowned companies such as:

  • Warner Bros.
  • Microsoft
  • Daimler
  • Rotkäppchen-Mumm
  • RB Leipzig 
  • Lufthansa
  • Telekom
  • Siemens
  • BMW
  • A&O Hotels
  • Immowelt
  • KIKA

In the process, our close-knit film family has grown from 45 permanent employees who are now adults. Together we have won a proud 55 film awards and turn our creative visions into moving images.

In 2019, I even received the extraordinary honour of being appointed to the BVMW's Federal Business Senate as Germany's youngest senator.

Upgrade my vocation

The years as CEO have shown me how valuable it is to bundle know-how and passion and make them accessible to others. That's how I found my second vocation: Keynote Speaker. 

With a twinkle in my eye and a clear focus on the essentials, I now want to use my expertise to inspire those who are looking for new horizons - be it in marketing, recruiting or leadership. With over 15 years of experience in entrepreneurship and no less than 400 keynotes under my belt, I have a lot to offer.

And what about the flies? That's my trademark! Because just as extraordinary as my keynotes is my clothing style, which underlines my personality and is an extension of my innovative approaches.

By the way: Besides my stage performances, I am active on LinkedIn and share my thoughts and experiences online. Furthermore, together with Nora Lob, I am represented on the podcast Feuer&Flamme, which has already been subscribed to by over 500,000 people. Feel free to listen in!

What I do: Humour Speaker for Artificial Intelligence, Leadership and much more

When it comes to my keynotes, I'm a fan of honesty, wit and, above all, images that stay in your head longer than the gum on the street. Infotainment is my hobbyhorse. I bring information and entertainment together as if they were best buddies.

So, if you are ready for a mix of expertise, entertainment and a good pinch of unconventional spirit, let's rock the stage together and shake up the business!

What's on my agenda: Keynotes that inspire

I offer a diverse range of topics that will turn your perspectives on their head. From entertaining business comedy to modernising marketing strategies through AI and TikTok, my keynotes offer knowledge, humour and practical insights for a successful future:

  • Explore the secrets of AI for effective recruiting and marketing.
  • Master the use of moving image strategies in the age of TikTok.
  • Discover new ways to lead your team.
  • Build your personal brand.
  • Learn how to attract and retain customers for the long term.

My programmes are a dynamic mix of expertise, entertainment and inspiration. Together we rock the stage and give your business fresh impetus and new heights.

A little side note: Many of my keynote topics can also be experienced in the form of more comprehensive workshops. If you are interested, don't hesitate to make an enquiry.

Keynote Request

What I offer: Infotainment

My offer is as multifaceted as a dazzling rainbow - and I design my events to be just as diverse and colourful! But one thing is always at the centre: conveying keynotes. This is where my lifeblood flows, this is where the focus comes into sharp focus. But don't worry: there are no dry figures and endless monologues with me. Instead, you can expect energy, wit and a good pinch of infotainment. Because I am firmly convinced that knowledge is best absorbed when it is communicated in an entertaining way.

You can count on that with me:

  • Experience: Over 15 years as a CEO and more than 400 keynotes have given me valuable insights into the art of presentation.
  • Humour: I bring wit and entertainment to every keynote and make sure your audience laughs and learns.
  • Infotainment: A unique blend of information and entertainment to convey knowledge in an enjoyable way.
  • Adaptability: I adapt my keynotes to your industry and the needs of your audience, as well as to the theme of the event.
  • Audio-visual elements: cakes, films and confetti - I use visual and sensual elements to bring my keynotes to life.
  • Inspiration: My stories from entrepreneurship and the film world will inspire you to explore new horizons.
  • Practical insights: My keynotes are not only inspiring, but also offer practical tips and insights that you can implement directly.
  • Flexibility: No matter when and where - I am active throughout the German-speaking world.
  • Personal contact: I am available for personal discussions and individual planning of your keynote event.

You have the opportunity to get a personal and non-binding insight from my events. Simply request a recording of the desired keynote and experience first-hand how I present my topics and interact with the audience.

Do you like my approach? Then there is only one step left: Secure a place at one of my events!

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How to reach me

Ready for an unparalleled keynote experience that perfectly combines knowledge, laughter and inspiration? Then don't hesitate any longer! Under each event you will find several choices for participation:

  • Request ticket
  • Request Keynote
  • Request workshop

Once you have made your choice, a short contact form will open, which you only need to fill in. 

Of course, I will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about my programme in person. You can easily reach me on 0174 7964444.

Secure your ticket for the desired event without any complications or get in touch with me if you would like to plan your own keynote. After receiving your enquiry, we can arrange a no-obligation initial meeting to clarify all the important details. Tell me your vision and I will take care of the rest!

Interested? Write to me.

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